Ayurveda Training

Ayurveda Ausbildung

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Ayurveda Training

Kairali’s Ayurvedic Healing Village ist weltweit die erste ayurvedische Gesundheitsform dieser Art, der ideale Ort für die Behandlung und das Lernen des authentischen Ayurveda. Unsere große Auswahl an ayurvedischen Behandlungen und das Dasein der Experten und Therapeuten ermöglicht es Studenten unseres Ayurveda Instituts die bestmögliche Anleitung während ihres Ayurveda Trainings zu erfahren.

Kairali führt auch spezielle Workshops und Ausbildungsprogramme in “Ayurveda und Panchakarma” durch. Während professionelle Therapeuten ein sechsmonatiges Intensivprogramm mit abschließendem Diplom wählen können, haben interessierte Gäste und andere die Möglichkeit, einen kürzeren Einführungskurs zu durchlaufen, der direkt in unserem Ayurvedic Healing Village in Kerala verfügbar ist.

Learn Ayurveda with Kairali Ayurvedic Group

Ayurveda Training Program

Ayurveda & Kairali are almost synonyms in India; Founded in 1989, “Kairali Ayurvedic Centre” has over 25 years of experience. Using the ancient science of Ayurveda Kairali established itself as the pioneer in Ayurvedic treatment centres by setting its first centre at New Delhi and never looked back.

Now with 35 locations all over the world, Kairali is one of the fastest growing Ayurvedic brand.

With a mission to uphold the principles of Ayurveda to propagate health & wellbeing worldwide, Kairali has initiated setting up authentic Ayurvedic centres across the globe and started training in Ayurvedic Science & therapies in selected locations.

Why to Learn Ayurveda?

Apart from an additional professional qualification, Ayurveda teaches you how to adopt right way of living to live the life at its fullest. This ancient wisdom has solutions for all your problems whether its physical, mental or spiritual. If you are a health & wellness enthusiast, please don’t be late to sign up our well-crafted Ayurvedic programs. Kairali has evolved with tailor made programs for everyone whether you are a wellness expert or a home maker. We have customized programs for wellness industry professionals, therapists, doctors, dieticians, managers & students.

Our Ayurveda Programs:

Sl no Training Program Program Code Duration Fee (INR) per pax Fee (USD) per pax
1 1 Day Program OAP* 3 hrs 6000 100
2 3 Day Program TAP* 3 hr sessions for 3 days 15000 200
3 5 Day Program FAP* 3hr sessions for 5 days 25000 450
4 15 Day Program   2 Hours per day For 15 Days    
5 2 weeks program WAP* 4 hr sessions for 2 weeks Mon to Friday 60000 1000
6 4 weeks program MAP* 4 hr sessions for 4 weeks Mon to Friday 100000 1800

* Program Description

1. OAP (One Day Ayurveda Program)

Suitable for all Ayurveda enthusiasts to know the basics of this holistic science.

Recommended for various groups across all fields like corporates, group travellers, various associations & clubs.

PPT presentation on Ayurveda, History of Ayurveda, Basic Principles & Philosophies of Ayurveda & practical aspects of Ayurveda in our day to day life. There will be some video demo on basic Ayurveda therapies.

Complimentary Therapy - Abhyangam 45 mts (Ayurvedic full body massage)

2. TAP (Three days Ayurveda Program)

Suitable for spa & wellness industry professionals, spa & salon managers & owners, diplomats & IT professionals. Program will provide you deep insight about Ayurvedic way of living and therapies will provide you deep relaxation & rejuvenation.

Ayurveda theory part as per OAP and additional theory on 3 important therapies of Ayurveda and its practical demonstration. One hour theory class & one hour practical demo on Ayurveda therapies for 3 days

Therapies covered : Abhyangam, Shirodhara & Podikizhi

Daily Program Schedule : 1 hr Theory + 1 hr Practical + 1 hr Complimentary Therapy

3. FAP (Five days Ayurveda Program)

Recommended for Spa & wellness professionals, trainers, therapists, doctors, holistic healers, dieticians. Program will make you an expert in 5 most important therapies in Ayurveda along with deep insight about natural way of living & healing.

Ayurveda theory part as per OAP and additional theory on 5 important therapies of Ayurveda and its practical demonstration. One hour theory class & one hour practical demo on Ayurveda therapies for 5 days.

Therapies covered: Abhyangam, Shirodhara, PodiKizhi, Udhwarthanam & Kativasthi

Daily Program Schedule: 1 hr Theory + 1 hr Practical + 1 hr Complimentary Therapy

4. Zeitdauer: 2 Stunden pro Tag | 15 Tage


  • Einführung in den geschichtlichen Hintergrund des Ayurveda
    Vedische Literatur und Geschichte des Ayurveda bis heute
  • Einführung in die indische Philosophie
    Die sechs darsan (Schulen) der indischen Philosophie
  • Die Grundprinzipien Ayurveda’s
    Die fünf five Elemente, die drei doshas, die ayurvedische Definition von Gesundheit.
  • Die Auslegungen Ayurveda’s
  • Ayurvedische Diagnose
    Methoden der Diagnose, einschließlich Dosa, Vidha, Pareeksha, Astha Vitha
  • Ayurvedische Behandlungen
    Das Prinzip und die Praktizierung der ayurvedischen Behandlungen einschließlich Panchakarma
  • Vorbeugende Aspekte des Lebensstils in Ayurveda
  • Die Bedeutung von Diät und Ernährung in Ayurveda
  • Ayurvedische Arzneikunde
    Die Theorien von Virya, Vipaka, und Prabhava, und die Studie von Dravya (Arzneimittel basiert auf tierischer, pflanzlicher und mineralischer Herkunft), Einweisung in die Kräuterkunde.
  • Ayurvedische Zubereitung von Medizin
  • Bedecken Kashaya (Abkochen), Kalka (Paste), Choorna (Puder), Lehya (Linctus), Thaila (Öle), Ghrita (Fette (Ghees))
  • Ayurvedische Anatomie und Physiologie, einschließlich Details von Marmas
    Ein wesentlicher anatomischer Hintergrund, einschließlich einer Einführung in die ayurvedische Form von Akupressur.

Der Kurs wird von qualifizierten ayurvedischen Ärzten unterrichtet.

5. WAP(2 Weeks Ayurveda Program)Recommended for people from Spa & Wellness fraternity, Therapists & Wellness Counsellors

Customized program as per candidate’s needs & availability. It will cover all the syllabus as mentioned under OAP, TAP & FAP. Additionally theory classes on Diet & Regimen(Dinacharya) as per Ayurveda & Seasonal (Ritucharya)precautions in Ayurveda. Program will cover basics on Human Anatomy & Physiology with Ayurvedic aspects

Therapies covered in detail are Abhyangam, Shirodhara, Nasya, Podikizhi, Udhwarthanam & Kativasthi

Daily Program Schedule: 2 hr Theory + 2 hr Practical; classes will be on Monday to Friday for 2 weeks.

6. MAP (One Month Ayurveda Program)

Comprehensive study on Ayurveda and its practical aspects which is suitable for those who are from health care/wellness sector to become an Ayurveda expert.

MAP will cover all the syllabus as mentioned under WAP. Additionally, it will cover Prakrithi & Prakrithi Analysis (Body Constitution Analysis), Ayurvedic Diet & Regimen, Ayurvedic way to manage life style disorders, Basic Ayurveda medicines & home remedies; Roga Pareeksha & Rogi Pareeksha

Therapies covered in detail are Abhyangam, Shirodhara, Nasya, Podikizhi, Elakizhi, Udhwarthanam, Udhgarshanam, Najvarakishi & Kativasthi

Daily Program Schedule: 2 hr Theory + 2 hr Practical; classes will be on Monday to Friday for 4 weeks.


Theory classes are conducted by expert Ayurvedic Doctors

Practical sessions are conducted by Senior Ayurvedic Trainers & Ayurvedic Doctors

After successful completion certificates are issued by Kairali Institute of Panchakarm Therapies/ Kairali Ayurvedic Centre Pvt Ltd

Photography & Videography is not permitted during practical training sessions

Payment Policy : Full payment in advance to sign up the program

Classes will be on Monday to Friday only

NB : To sign up the course, please bring a valid identity proof & 2 passport size photographs

2021 World Spa Awards
India's Best Wellness Retreat 2021
Kairali – The Ayurvedic Healing Village, P.O. - Olassery, Kodumbu, Palakkad Dist. - 678551, Kerala (INDIA)
19 May 2021 to 08 Sep 2021
An Ayurvedic Health Retreat amid the picturesque environment of God’s Own Country, Kairali-The Ayurvedic Healing Village
Want to understand the ancient science of Ayurveda and the secret to fit body & mind, Yoga?
Cure for ailments through Ayurveda is now available near to you through Kairali Ayurvedic Centres
Kairali Ayurveda is engaged in manufacturing a wide array of Ayurvedic proprietary and classical products